The Escape Button is a Feature
Esc aping from our game
If we decide to build our game where it play in full screen mode, there is no way to exit the game short of force closing the window.
This is why we should give the player an option to exit the game using the Escape key.
To do this, we will use the GameManager script inside the Update method.
It is actually very simple to create.
We need to use an if statement, where we ask if the escape key has been pressed. If the answer is true, then we need to call the method that quits the game.
Inside the if statement, we will use Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)). This will check and see if the Escape key has been pressed.
If the escape key has been pressed, then the statement is true, we will need to execute or call the method Application.Quit(), this will cause the program to exit and close.
NOTE: This will only work in a built version of the game and not while being played in the editor.